Good morning,
We have an splunk architecture with 2 Search Heads and 2 Indexers.
This morning when our user tried to look for today's logs from the SearchHead, he could not retrieve any data. Concerned about that, I ran the same query on both SearchHeads and Indexers, same as the user I could not find any data from today on the SearchHead but I found that on the Indexer. Last event was from 2 days ago.
That case only happened with one index. I tried the same for another couple of indexes and could not see the same behavior.
This is concerning me because users create their alerts on the SearchHead (They don't have access to the Indexers UI) and if they cannot see realtime information neither will the alerts.
After a 40 minutes waiting we could retrieve todays' information. Please, we need this to be addressed as soon as possible. We need real time responses.