I have dashboard with two rows each containing a column chart spanning activity over the last 7 days. Both column charts have legends, which I would like to keep. The legends have different widths, though, depending on their content, and result is that the width and scale of the x-axis on the data portion of the chart are different.
I'd like to be able to have the width of the x-axis that covers 7 days of activity match both in terms of width and scale. I don't see a way to control the width of this element (I'm probably missing something). While I can control the scale on the x-axis, it is the width - either through trying to set the x-axis width itself or through trying to fix the minimumWidth/maximumWidth of the legend - that I can't seem to get. In fact, I have tried playing with several settings without much luck.
Any tips on how to get those two x-axis to match up across separate rows while retaining the legend? 95% sure I've missed something simple.