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Multiple Subsearches

Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please. Firstly I will admit that I don't find writing join queries easy, but I'm certainly learning as I write more. I've put together the following query which lists all user accounts and when they were created: index=_audit action=edit_user operation=edit OR operation=create |rename object as user |eval timestamp=strptime(timestamp, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S.%3N") |convert timeformat="%d/%b/%Y" ctime(timestamp) |stats max(timestamp) as "created" by user |join user [|rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local |fields title |rename title as user] The query works fine, although a little slow. But I'm now trying to adapt this by adding the last time the user logged onto the account which I have the following query for: search index=_audit action="login attempt" | stats max(timestamp) as _time by user, sourcetype ] | where isnull(sourcetype) | fields - sourcetype The problem I have is that I'm not sure how to add a third subsearch and the order in which this will run in conjunction with the other two. What I'm trying to achieve is: - All user accounts, - Then against each account the date they were created, then - The last login date for each user. I just wondered whether someone could possibly look at this please and offer some guidance on how I may go about achieving this. Many thanks and kind regards Chris **UPDATE** I have tried the query kindly provided by Chimell and that I came up with myself, and unfortunately this adds inserts false dates. I have then tried the following: index=_audit action=edit_user operation=edit OR operation=create |rename object as user |stats max(timestamp) as "created" by user |join user [|rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local |fields title |rename title as user] |join user type=outer[search index=_audit action="login attempt" |stats max(timestamp) as "accessed" by user, sourcetype] |fields - sourcetype |where created !="" But the problem I have with this is that there are some records which are null in the "accessed" column, but when I've looked at the raw data, there should be a date shown in this column.

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