I would like to hide the following results in bold and only have the final eval statement show. I am only doing the calculations for the last eval statement.
source="Dataset_Finance.csv" host="sample" index="dataintegration" sourcetype="SampleFinance" ObjectAccount="4*" OR ObjectAccount="5*"
| eval **Sales**=if(ObjectAccount="411010",DomesticAmount,0), Costs=if(like(ObjectAccount,"5%"),DomesticAmount,0)
| stats sum(Sales) as **Sales**, sum(Costs) as **Costs**
| eval **CM**=Sales+Costs
| eval CMPer=(CM/Sales)*100
Also, I noticed that I can not put a by statement after the eval, should I only include it in the stats section and how will I be able to categorize the CMPer by another value?