Following is the json log format being stored in Splunk.
{ data:[
} ] }
Currently, an alert is setup to check once every 5 mins with the following search query and send an email if results>0.
host=something "data{}.http_status_code"= 5*| eval endpoint='data{}.endpoint' | Stats Count("data{}.http_status_code") as Count by endpoint | where Error_Count > 0
The generated result is :
![alt text][1]
Now, the ask is, once an alert is generated (which contains a particular endpoin, say ep_1), in the next run, if the search result contains the same endpoint, it should NOT send an email for another hour.
So in this case, when the search query runs after 5 mins and contains ep_1 in the result, it should not send an email. So effectively, I need a condition for this endpoint's occurrence in the previously executed search result.
Is there a way this can be accomplished? Please help.
[1]: /storage/temp/216823-216795-table1.png