Hello All,
I am having an issue using the stats sum command. This is currently my search:
source="Jan_Sept_FinanceSample.csv" host="Jan_September" index="finance_sample" sourcetype="csv" ObjectAccount="411010" OR ObjectAccount="5*"
| eval Sales=if(ObjectAccount="411010",DomesticAmount,0), Costs=if(like(ObjectAccount,"5%"),DomesticAmount,0)
| stats sum(Sales) as Sales , sum(Costs) as Costs
I checked if the values were correctly summed on excel, and it turns out that the sums are off. What can it be? I tried to erase and upload the data again, I tried to reformat the values, etc. Is this the wrong command to use?
There are positive and negative values on the Domestic Amount field, I am not sure if it is taking all of the negative values.