In my dashboard, I am using one global search and multiple sub search queries(which use global search query data).
Issue is data is not getting displayed on dashboard, but when i click on search button its append sub search to global search and displaying results. Now sure why its not getting displayed on dashboard.
**Global Search**
eventtype=mlc_live host=$host_token$ sourcetype=tool_lifecycle $time_token.earliest$ $time_token.latest$
**Sub Search**
| eval ScriptName2=ScriptName | rex field="ScriptName" "^\S+_(?<ScriptName>[^\.]+)\.\S+" | rex field="ScriptName2" "^\S+\.sh\s*(?<Instance>\S+)" | rex field="ActivityType" "^#(?<ActivityType>[^\.]+);" | eval ActivityType=if(isNOTNULL(ActivityType),ActivityType,"NA") | search ScriptName IN (*$script_name_token$*) AND ActivityType = "*$activity_type_token$*" AND Status = "*$status_token$*" | table _time ScriptName Instance StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime Duration UniqueIdentifier Status ActivityType | sort 0 _time desc | dedup UniqueIdentifier $time_token.earliest$ $time_token.latest$
![alt text][1]
[1]: /storage/temp/219597-search-query.png