I did an upgrade of my ITSI to 3.0, and in the process I saw some errors in the itsi_migration.log
` 2017-10-23 09:53:36,941 INFO [itsi.migration] [base_migration_interface] [_get_object_file_list] [23596] obtain the local storage target file list: ['D:\\Splunk\\var\\itsi\\migration_helper\\kpi_base_search___0.json']
2017-10-23 09:53:41,783 ERROR [itsi.migration] [migration] [migration_bulk_save_to_kvstore] [23596] [HTTP 400] Bad Request; [{'type': 'ERROR', 'text': 'Parameter "name" must be 100 characters or less.', 'code': None}]`
Now the service panel does not load, and I had to rollback to ITSI 2.6.*