A user was removed before changing ownership of their objects and I was getting LDAP authentication errors because of it. So I went into local.meta and changed all objects they owned which were (lookup files, lookup definitions, source types, and dashboards) to my username. Next, I ran server:8000/en-US/debug/refresh which took probably 5+ mins and I got the following errors.
Can you please help me fix these errors or advise me on what my next steps should be? I didn't restart Splunk because I want to make sure that is right step before proceeding. I am still getting LDAP authentication errors after all of this.
Refreshing admin/collections-conf BadRequest
In handler 'collections-conf': Must use user context of 'nobody' when interacting with collection configurations (used user='katz.r')
Refreshing admin/indexes InternalServerError
In handler 'indexes': reload is not safe since a path has been deleted or modified for an index, or an index has been disabled. You must restart the Splunk Server, for your changes to take effect.
Refreshing admin/remote_indexes BadRequest
In handler 'remote_indexes': The following required arguments are missing: repositoryLocation.
Refreshing admin/search-head-bundles SplunkdConnectionException Splunkd daemon is not responding: ("Error connecting to /servicesNS/katz.r/search/admin/search-head-bundles: ('The read operation timed out',)",)
Refreshing admin/transforms-reload ResourceNotFound
In handler 'transforms-reload': Invalid action for this internal handler (handler: transforms-reload, supported: list|_reload, wanted: list).