Dear all,
I am experiencing follwoing issue with Splunk 6.3.0 on linux machines:
Before setting up a search head cluster we have had a script contained in our app within the "bin" folder to synchronise our lookup tables.
After setting up the cluster this functionality is no longer required.
I therefore removed the bin folder completely from our app and redistributed the app to our deployer.
Then I applied the shcluster bundle via command to the sh. Now I see that on all search heads the old bin folder is still there...
On the deployer I was able to verify that the folder no longer is there.
I tought that maybe the command /opt/splunk/splunk/bin/splunk apply shcluster-bundle --answer-yes -target : -preserve-lookups true -auth : would also preserve old folder so I removed the parameter -preserve-lookups untortunately this didn't help either.
Next I re-created the bin folder and only placing a README file there. Hopeing that this would overwritte the existing and no longer needed script on the search heads...
I can still find the script on the search head instances.
Is this a wanted feature or is this possibly an error in the distribution mechanism? Did someone experience the same?
The only workaround I can think of now is to place a script within the apps for the sh instances to clean-up on the instance direclty and restarting those...
Any other ideas or hints are greatly appreciated.