category area period date count
cats A1 20161 15-01-2016 120500
cats A1 20162 30-01-2016 120500
cats A1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
cats B1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
cats C1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
dogs B1 20161 15-01-2016 100000
dogs A1 20162 30-01-2016 230000
dogs C1 20163 30-01-2016 62000
dogs B1 20164 15-02-2016 1100
dogs A1 20164 15-02-2016 2560
dogs B1 20165 28-02-2016 2560
dogs C1 20165 28-02-2016 2560
I have data in the above format. How do I make comparison between current period and previous period in real-time across category, area, and count? For example for Jan 2016, there are 3 executions (in 3 periods) 15-01-2016(20161), 30-01-2016(20162) and another one on 30-01-2016(20163). Similarly for Feb'16 we have 2 periods 20164 and 20165. A month would usually have 2-3 executions and each time the period counter is increased by 1.
How can I make comparison in real time between my current period and previous period (say for example 20165 and 20164)?
Help here would be really appreciated!!