I have a CSV file that a list of customers and their orders. The format is as follows:
OrderDate, OrderNumber, Customer, OrderAmount
Same order number can be on multiple lines because a customer can order multiple items under the same order number.
Now, what I want to do is compare the order volume by customer between two years.
Example output:
Customer, 2014 Orders, 2015 Orders, Difference
CustA, 100, 60, -40
CustB, 70, 80, 10
I am trying to identify which customers have had a significant decrease in orders and which ones have had a significant increase year over year. I've tried the following but it gives me no search results:
sourcetype="SALESCSV" [search earliest="1/1/2014:00:00:00" latest="12/31/2014:23:59:59" Geography=EMEA search_name="2014 Orders"] [search earliest="1/1/2015:00:00:00" latest="12/31/2015:23:59:59" Geography=EMEA search_name="2015 Orders"] | stats dc(OrderNumber) by search_name