Hi All,
I want a single regex for multiple types of events getting generated in my access logs. I have written the following regex for extracting fields from my access.log :
^(?P[^ ]+)\s+(?P[^ ]+)\s+(?P[^ ]+)\s+\[(?P[^\]]+)[^ \n]*\s+url="(?P[^ ]+)\s+(?P[^ ]+)\s+(?P[^"]+)"\s+\|status=(?P[^ ]+)\s+\|size=(?P[^ ]+)\s+\|resp_time=(?P[^ ]+)\|\sreferer="(?P[^"]+)"\suser_agent="(?P[^"]+)"
The problem is most of the events are getting matched to this regex, but there are 4 events which are showing as "non-matches". Both of my events are :
**Matching :** - - [20/Apr/2016:16:41:50 +0000] url="GET /dh/en-US/account/login HTTP/1.1" |status=302 |size=323 |resp_time=176| referer="-" user_agent="Python-httplib2/0.7.0 (gzip)"
**Non matching is :** - - [19/Apr/2016:20:51:58 +0000] url="myversion|3.6 Public" |status=400 |size=312 |resp_time=125| referer="-" user_agent="-" - - [17/Apr/2016:18:19:27 +0000] url="SSH-2.0-LYGhost_1.2.7-20100630" |status=302 |size=299 |resp_time=129| referer="-" user_agent="-"
In the above non-matching event - fields **http_method** & **protocol** are not there. Is there a way to write some conditions in the regex so that using the above regex should work with both the events? Please help.