I have a panel that is providing a link to another page, passing a few tokens. The link will never change, but I only want it active under certain condition.Informatica
[|inputlookup splunked_nodes.csv
| search unix_category="Informatica" env="$env$"
| table host
| format]
| dedup host
| stats count(host) AS count
| appendcols [|inputlookup splunked_nodes.csv
| search unix_category="Informatica" env="$env$"
| stats count(host) AS orig_count
| table orig_count]
| eval diff=orig_count-count
| eval colour=if(diff="0","1","5")
| eval colour=if(orig_count="0","10",colour)
| append [|inputlookup current_piim_filesystem_stats.csv
| search env="$env$" unix_category="Informatica"
| sort -UsedSpace
| head 1
| eval colour=case(UsedSpace>"90","5",UsedSpace<"90" AND UsedSpace>"80","3", UsedSpace<"80","1")
| table colour]
| append[|inputlookup current_piim_cpu_stats.csv
| search env="$env$" unix_category="Informatica"
| sort -PctCpu
| head 1
| eval colour=case(PctCpu>=90,"5",PctCpu<90 AND PctCpu>=80,"3", PctCpu<80,"1")
| table colour]
| eval light=colour
| table light
| sort - light
| head 1
| rangemap field=light low=0-2 elevated=2-4 N/A=10-11 default=severe
| eval light=case(light="1","Pass",light="3","Warning",light="5","Fail",light="10","N/A") -5m now
I would like to evaluate the 'light' field value to determine if the drilldown link should be activated or not. If light=10, then I want my N/A to display but NOT have the drilldown option on it.
As it is coded, no matter what text I display, the link is active. Can it be turned off? Or a condition added to it?