Hi everyone,
I'm having difficulty pulling in a Twitter feed for a specific user/hashtag. I followed a couple of posts on blogs.splunk.com and to no avail.
My inputs is as follows:
auth_type = oauth1
delimiter = ^
endpoint = https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json
host = twitfish
http_method = GET
index = twitter
index_error_response_codes = 0
oauth1_access_token = XXX
oauth1_access_token_secret = XXX
oauth1_client_key = XXX
oauth1_client_secret = XXX
response_type = json
sequential_mode = 0
streaming_request = 1
url_args = track=#codeforfish^stall_warnings=true
request_timeout = 86400
sourcetype = twitter
What am I missing?
And dumb question, is there a way where I can grab historical tweets? Or is its only real-time monitoring?