I currently show data for one server at a time on a dashboard, with panels for RAM usage, CPU Load (1min, 5min & 15min averages), CPU Utilization, Memory Usage by Command, and some data from the PS command. I'd like to create a dashboard with most of the same data, but for multiple machines at once. Adding multiple servers data to these panels crowds it tremendously, so I was wondering if Sparklines might be my answer, maybe something like
last 4 hours
| machine name | CPU usage | memory usage |
| machine 1 | cpu-sparkline | memory usage sparkline |
This search shows data from the top header and presents it in a timechart format
index=os sourcetype=top_header host=hostname | timechart span=1m values(mem_total) values(mem_used) by host
This search shows a timechart of data from the top header:
index=os sourcetype=top_header host=hostname| eval cpuUsage = 100-cpu_idle | eval host=upper(host) | timechart span=5m values(cpuUsage) by host useother=f limit=50
Is what I'm looking for possible?