There are two heavy forwarder with F5 load balancer placed behind this servers to manage the load(syslogs) and this two servers are used to monitor and forward the syslogs (tcp port) information to the indexer clusters.
Currently file system size is increasing drastically under this path **"/opt/syslogs/generic/*/*.log"** and we are unable **to delete or do log rotate the syslogs**, as there are too many subdirectories under this generic folder and each containing millions of data. Due to this splunkd is failing every few intervals and in splunkd.log could not get the exact error logs to find out why splunkd process is keep on failing frequently.
My question:
1) Due to the space crunch in the /opt file system where splunk is configured? I am not sure is this causing the problem and which in turn makes splunkd process to fail.
2) How to measure the amount of data getting into two heavy forwarder servers from the source="*syslogs*" everyday or every hour. I have tried to execute the below query but I am not sure whether its fetching the correct details. Correct me if it's not the right query.
**index =* source ="syslogs" sourcetype ="/opt/syslogs/generic*" | eval indextime=strftime(_indextime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) | eval length = len (_raw) /1024 | stats sum(length) count by source indextime index host**
3) If the volume of the data getting into the servers are known, then what kind of calculation should be done to measure the disk handling capacity. So that I can suggest hardware team to increase the size of the partition or ask them to place a separate server for syslogs.
4) Or should do any changes in the splunk configurations files to limit the size of the syslogs getting into the server