Hi all,
Thank you in advance.
I have a search using map that works fine in search, but when i add it as a dashboard (whether i add it exactly the same or with other tokens for fields) is doesn't work and says " search is waiting for input"
I think it might have something to do with the time/timepicker
sourcetype="mcafee:wg:kv" src= dhost=*realtimeboard.com
| eval mystarttime=_time-.1
| eval myendtime=_time+.1
| map search="search sourcetype="mcafee:wg:kv" src= _time<$myendtime$ _time>$mystarttime$"
| table
| sort -_time
Dashboard XML Source - ignore all the other input tokens as the only one im using in the search is timepicker until i get it working
Thanks, any direction or help would be much appreciated.