We are using Splunk Enterprise 7.1 on windows. I'm attempting to start splunk daemon unsuccessfully. Within splunkd.log I see this:
08-15-2018 15:23:29.835 -0700 INFO loader - Automatic migration of modular inputs
08-15-2018 15:23:40.742 -0700 INFO loader - win-service: Command pre-flight-checks ran successfully.
08-15-2018 15:23:42.007 -0700 ERROR loader - win-service: Error running check-xml-files (_pclose returned 2).
08-15-2018 15:23:42.023 -0700 ERROR loader - win-service: Here is the output from running check-xml-files:
08-15-2018 15:23:42.023 -0700 ERROR loader - C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin\Python.EXE: can't open file 'C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\splunk\clilib\cli.py': [Errno 13] Permission denied
08-15-2018 15:23:42.023 -0700 ERROR loader - <<<<< EOF (check-xml-files)
Any idea why startup fails with this error? NOTE: i have administrator rights on this box.