how to calculate Throughput if i have this data.
index=perf host=prod-* sourcetype=tc_metric earliest=-10min
| eval host_type=case(host LIKE "%wap%", "WAP", host LIKE "%web%", "WEB", host LIKE "%task%", "TASK", host LIKE "%iin%", "IIN", host LIKE "%gen%", "GEN", host LIKE "%ion%","ION", host LIKE "%int%", "INT", host LIKE "%out%", "OUT", host LIKE "%rpt%", "RPT", host LIKE "%rpo%", "RPO", host LIKE "%mssg%", "MSSG")
| bucket span=10min _time
| stats count(R) as Requests, max(THREAD_WALL_MS) as "TotalResponseTime", avg(THREAD_WALL_MS) as avg_rt by host_type _time
|eval avg_rt=round(avg_rt,2)
|eval TotalResponseTime=round(TotalResponseTime,2)
|rename avg_rt as "AvgResponseTime"
|eval Throughput=(TotalResponseTime/Requests) (this is what i have tried it is not working.
|dedup 1 host_type
|rename host_type as "Server"
|sort Server
Out put is
Server _time Requests TotalResponseTime AvgResponseTime Throughput
GEN 2018-08-17 07:00 137209 60076.00 121.31 0.4378430
IIN 2018-08-17 07:00 35905 60090.00 342.87 1.673583
INT 2018-08-17 07:00 34878 36154.00 201.43 1.036585
ION 2018-08-17 07:00 4281 3631720.00 5571.65 848.334501
MSSG 2018-08-17 07:00 . 445 3299.00 75.66 7.41348
OUT 2018-08-17 07:00 40911 379040.00 302.00 9.2649899
as per definition of the Throughput is measured as total number of transaction or requests in a given time or TPS (transaction per second). but here is it not coming right output. pls help