I have a query which would list me avg, max & P95 requestpersec for the selected time range
index=test client_ipaddress=* |eval requestcount=1 | timechart per_second(requestcount) AS RequestPerSec
| eventstats max(RequestPerSec) as peakRequestPerSec
| eval peakTime=if(peakRequestPerSec==RequestPerSec,_time,null())
| timechart span=1m avg(RequestPerSec) as avgRequestPerSec max(RequestPerSec) as peakRequestPerSec p95(RequestPerSec) as p95RequestPerSec
| fieldformat peakTime=strftime(peakTime,"%m/%y %H:%M") | eval avgRequestPerSec=round(avgRequestPerSec,2) | eval peakRequestPerSec=round(peakRequestPerSec,2)| eval p95RequestPerSec=round(p95RequestPerSec,2)|rename avgRequestPerSec as "Average Requests/Sec" peakRequestPerSec as "Max Requests/Sec" p95RequestPerSec as "P95 Requests/Sec"
The question here is, Can i show Requestpersec by country using the field client_ipaddress present in the events ? How do i do that ? Please let me know