Channel: Questions in topic: "splunk-enterprise"
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Why do i get a no value in Country while using iplocation

Hi, With the below query i am able to list the country and request count by response time split. wall_time != NULL client_ipaddress != NULL |iplocation client_ipaddress| eval Latency=case(wall_time<500, "0-0.5s", wall_time>=500 AND wall_time<1000, "0.5s-1s",wall_time>=1000 AND wall_time<3000, "1s-3s", wall_time>=3000 AND wall_time<6000, "3s-6s",THREAD_WALL_MS>=4000 AND wall_time<10000, "6s-10s",wall_time>=10000 AND wall_time<30000, "10s-30s", wall_time>=30000, ">=30s")| chart span=1w count as RequestCount over Country by Latency | sort -RequestCount, -Latency But the query seems to be resulting 1 row with no value for the country field. Why is it so ? Anything i am missing out ? ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/255768-screen-shot-2018-08-22-at-112855-am.png

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