So, I've simplified my real problem down to this example with as few variables as possible. I wish I could simply alter the manor which the data is coming in, but, I can not, so I need a solution via SPL.
Here it goes:
Almost daily Splunk indexes a set of data that has two important fields, system_id and system_status. system_id is a unique identifier to each system, and system_status can have the values of "up" or "down". This data is indexed all at once, almost daily. And example of events would look like this:
One day:
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5671 up
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5672 up
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5673 down
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5674 up
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5675 up
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5676 down
08/24/2018T01:00:00 5677 up
The next day:
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5671 up
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5672 up
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5673 up
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5674 up
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5675 up
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5676 down
08/25/2018T01:00:00 5677 up
My goal: a timechart which shows the count of the number of systems "up" for the last data indexed each month. If it helps, each system_id is guaranteed to be in each set of indexed data.
This seems deceptively difficult. Many thanks to any help!