Im trying to do some data mining on twitter for a project. I trying to find keywords that are most popular, and then remove the stop words using a CSV lookup.
Here is my query:
index=football-twitter lang=en earliest=-15m@m latest=@m
| eval foo=text
| makemv foo
| mvexpand foo
| search foo NOT
| inputlookup StopWords.csv
| rename Words AS foo ]
| top foo limit=1
| table foo
This does not work.
but if I use a slightly different query, it works.
index=football-twitter lang=en earliest=-15m@m latest=@m
| makemv text
| mvexpand text
| search text NOT
| inputlookup StopWords.csv
| rename Words AS text ]
| top text limit=1
| table text
What I want to do, is create a time chart of the usage of the top keyword, and also use the sentiment app to generate a sentiment time chart . Something like -
index=football-twitter lang=en
[search index=football-twitter lang=en earliest=-15m@m latest=@m
| makemv text
| mvexpand text
| search text NOT
| inputlookup StopWords.csv
| rename Words AS text ]
| top text limit=1
| table text]
| sentiment twitter text
| timechart avg(sentiment)
but the query above does not seem to work either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.