Prior to getting a stream of this data next week, I am preparing with some CSV lookups. I have two files right now, the sample data from an access point and a lookup of the AP's name and the lat lon
Client Username,Client IP Address,Client MAC Address,Association Time,Vendor,AP Name,Radio Type,Device Name,Map Location,SSID,Profile,VLAN ID,Protocol,Session Duration,Policy Type,Avg. Session Throughput (Kbps)
,10.x.x.x,z:z:z:z:z:z,Fri Jun 24 17:09:26 PDT 2016,Apple,AP0000-street&avenue0,802.11a/n/ac,SVN-WLC-HDWIFI,System Campus > HDWIFI > HDWIFI-POD4,#cityWiFi,#cityWiFi,254,802.11n(5GHz),5min 12sec,NOTAVAILABLE,<0.1
so that's the data, below is the lookup
AP Name,lat,lon
AP0000-street&avenue0,37.697842, -123.000534
This search yields the right results:
| inputcsv StreetAP |join "AP Name" [|inputcsv StreetAPtable]|rename "AP Name" as apname|stats count by apname lat lon
apname lat lon count
AP0000-street&avenue0 37.697842, -123.000534 221
This search yields all the same lat/lon
| inputcsv MarketAP |join "AP Name" [|inputcsv MarketAPtable]|rename "AP Name" as apname|geostats latfield=lat longfield=lon `count by apname
Where have I gone wrong?