I have downloaded latest release of Splunk and am using a trial license.
Goal is to demo this to my team.
I have two Linux servers (RHEL 6.6)
Websphere 8.5.5 with Splunk forwarder on one, and Splunk Enterprise on the other.
I have followed the steps to allow WebSphere for jmx (I can see the mbeans in jconsole)
I have confirmed JAVA_HOME is set and is version 1.7
Python 2.7
I hope you can help. I've tried following a number of different Q/A's you have posted, but no luck.
I have two RHEL 6.6 servers (firewalls off) each running WebSphere 8.x. I have configured (I think correctly) the servers to enable jmx. If I try using jconsole, I can get the mbean data.
I try using the same search string in splunk, but I can't connect. when I look at the splunkd log, I see
07-18-2016 12:06:58.629 -0400 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SPLUNK4JMX/bin/jmx.py" It has been determined via the REST API that all inputs have been disabled
I saw a user have a similar error
Not sure what he re-installed.
I've tried following this:
When I do, and I log into splunk, I get this message in the alerts:
Unable to initialize modular input "jmx" defined inside the app "SPLUNK4JMX": Introspecting scheme=jmx: script running failed (exited with code 1).
When I look in the splunkd.log I see:
07-18-2016 12:25:17.056 -0400 ERROR SpecFiles - Modular input scheme "jmx://" first seen in "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SPLUNK4JMX/README/inputs.conf.spec" has been redefined inside the spec file "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_jmx/README/inputs.conf.spec". Ignoring the redefinition.
still no luck.
Any thing you can offer?