Channel: Questions in topic: "splunk-enterprise"
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whitelist match issues

Hi everyone, I am having an issue where a logical AND NOT isn't working properly. Simply put I have an alert for mail servers that should be whitelisting a single IP's communication with either one of two IPs. index=* tag=network NOT (src_ip= AND dest_ip= NOT(src_ip= AND dest_ip= (dest_port=25 OR dest_port=465 OR dest_port=2525 OR dest_port=110 OR dest_port=995 OR dest_port=143 OR dest_port=993) NOT [ | inputlookup Inventory | eval category=split(asset_category, "|") | search category="Email" OR category="Mail" | return 100 $asset_ip ] | eval is_local=`local_ip_list(src)` | where is_local=1 | stats earliest(_time) as Timestamp, values(dest) as "Destination IP", values(app) as Application, values(dest_port) as Port, values(user) as Username, earliest(_raw) as "Raw Log", count by src | convert ctime(Timestamp) | rename count as Correlated src as "Source IP" | search Correlated >29 My issue is that the alert is firing for communication between and or, IP A,B and C respectively. I've tried `NOT(A (B OR C))` Also: ` NOT(A B) NOT(A C)` Based on both logical expressions the results should not include communication between those 2 devices. **Note:** I am unable to modify the inventory lookup table, *and*, I have tried the search without the sub-search with the same result, except of course having my lookup table results included in the alert. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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