Hello All,
I'm trying to get the duration from the transaction. The problem here is I've duplicate start events and the transaction is taking the latest duplicate event. Is there a way I can get the transaction of the first duplicate event?
First event (request 1) :
Second event (request 2) :
Response :
Below is the query I wrote.
index=myindex sourcetype=jlp_intel_v2 "intelId":"54" OR "intelId":"51"
| transaction uiCorrelationIdV1 maxspan=65s startswith=wMethod endswith=wStatus
| eval difference = duration
| table uiCorrelationIdV1 difference
| sort -difference
I've done the transaction of request events with response event and it always shows the duration between the response and request 2 ignoring the request1.
Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance.