I want to get the max stats_value for each row (that is a sum of stats_values) but my query works in a way that it aggregates ALL the rows instead of each individual row because of the way my input tokens work. How do I make it so each row has its own max value?
I have two dropdown inputs that are $routerprefix$ and $numbertok$.
$routerprefix$ is which region the router is in so like CA, TX, TN, etc.
$numbertok$ is which actual individual router it is like 1, 2, 3 etc, if not chosen then it is '%%'.
Here's a simplified query:
SELECT distinct device, location, model,
(select distinct max(sum(stats_value)) from tbl_device where local_device like '%$routerprefix$%' and device_number like '$numbertok$' group by time_stamp, device) as MAX_STATS
from tbl_device
where local_device like '%$routerprefix$%' and device_number like '$numbertok$'
If I select TX as $routerprefix$ and $numbertok$ is left as the default '%%'.....
This is supposed to get this for each row:
Device | Location | Model | MAX_STATS
TX-Router-1 | Texas | GX100 | 12543.31
TX-Router-2 | Texas | GX100 | 45653.21
TX-Router-3 | Texas | GX100 | 1300.35
But what I'm getting is:
Device | Location | Model | MAX_STATS
TX-Router-1 | Texas | GX100 | 59496.87
TX-Router-2 | Texas | GX100 | 59496.87
TX-Router-3 | Texas | GX100 | 59496.87
because it's adding all of them together??? Can someone help? Is there any way I could change my input options or query to make it so the MAX reflect the stats_value for EACH row instead of ALL of the routers in one area?
Thanks in advance.