I have a dbquery that outputs the 5 fields needed for the inputs.conf file used in the Website Monitoring app.
I would like to automate the writing from the dbquery into the format of the .conf file
interval = 15m
title = Sharepoint
url = https://collaboration.sp.local
user_agent = Splunk Website Monitoring (+https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1493/)
How can I convert the 5 fields to write in this way and not in a CSV file like I am used too?
The five field are like this
mysearch | eval ping=("[web_ping://".'CI Name'."]") | eval interval=("interval = 15") | eval title='CI Name' | eval url=("url = ".'URL') | eval agent=("user_agent = Splunk Website Monitoring (+".'URL'.")") | fields ping interval title url agent
Thanks in advance