Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a user and only grant him search privilege on a specific index using cURL. So far I used these two commands:
Index creation:
curl -k -u admin:password https://SplunkIP:8089/servicesNS/admin/search/data/indexes -d name=mytest
And I found this command example for the user creation:
curl -k -u admin:password https://SplunkIP:8089/services/authentication/users -d name=User1 -d password=changeme -d roles=role
So as far as I understood, I can directly affect an existing role while creating User1 account. But I would like to create a specific role which allows him to only read and search from mytest index.
I found "createrole" parameter for the last cURL but it's not clear from the documentation.
So is it possible to create / specificy the role while creating a new user ? Or is there any other cURL command which can create a role ?
Thank you very much !