Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please
I'm using the query below to produce the screenshot as shown in the attachment:
index=main auditSource=frontend auditType=Survey detail.overall!="None"
| replace frontend with "Overall Satisfaction"
| rename detail.overall As "Rating"
| replace 1 with "Very Satisfied", 2 with "Satisfied", 3 with "Neither", 4 with "Dissatisfied", 5 with "Very Dissatisfied"
| chart count by Rating
| eval "Rating Score"=case(Rating="Very Satisfied", 100, Rating="Satisfied", 75 , Rating="Neither", 50, Rating="Dissatisfied", 25, Rating="Very Dissatisfied", 0 , 1=1, 0)
| addcoltotals | fillnull value="Total" | rename count as "Total Replies"
| table "Rating", "Total Replies", "Rating Score"
| eval "Rating Caculation" = 'Total Replies' * 'Rating Score'
![alt text][1]
I don't even know whether this possible, but what I'd like to do is perform the following calculation using **only** the "Total" row figures.
Rating Calculation / Total Replies and formatted to a percentage with one decimal point.
I've spent a couple of days searching the web to see if I can find suitable solutions without any success.
**NB.** I will be putting this is a dashboard if it helps.
I just wondered whether someone may be able to look at this please and offer some guidance on how I may be able to achieve this.
Many thanks and kind regards
[1]: /storage/temp/72204-splunk-screenshot.png