I have tried an upgrade in our test env (standalone SH & standalone HF - internet facing) by doing the following :
-Backed up existing website_monitoring dir (1.5.0)
-On HF - Extracted 1.6.1 tar file over existing dir - checked local dir and the inputs.conf still had the URL configs.
-Repeat on SH restart.
Looks ok - can see the URL's in the status view - added a new input on the HF
We have a message on the search head where it says its still looking for inputs :
![alt text][1]
[1]: /storage/temp/157217-website-monitoring.jpg
With regards to pushing this out on the Prod env (3 x SH's)
Use the same method for the Internet facing HF and for the SHC copy the tar to the ../shcluster/apps/website_monitoring folder and deploy ?