Hi, I am trying to understand the slow responsiveness of my application and for that I am indexing the JMX logging to my Splunk.
I see it's getting ingested every 15 minutes and two types of Collectors are used - Concurrent Mark Sweep and Parallel Sweep.
I want to know -
1. Frequency of GC
2. Time taken by GC
3. Other stuff.
The Logs look like this and I have no idea how to achieve it using these logs. Any help is much appreciated.
{ [-]
colCount: 803
colTime: 448196
gCDuration: 0
gCEnd: 95413744
gCID: 803
gCStart: 95413744
gCThreadCount: 26
gcName: ParNew
jvmDescription: Prod Server 4
mbean_domain: java.lang
mbean_property_name: ParNew
mbean_property_type: GarbageCollector
memPools: [ [+]
{ [-]
colCount: 3439
colTime: 25609396
gCDuration: null
gCEnd: null
gCID: null
gCStart: null
gCThreadCount: null
gcName: ConcurrentMarkSweep
jvmDescription: Prod Server 4
mbean_domain: java.lang
mbean_property_name: ConcurrentMarkSweep
mbean_property_type: GarbageCollector
memPools: [ [+]