Hello Splunkers !
We need your help, as we didn't found any answers solving our issue :(
We will be so grateful :)
We have severals events coming from the same sourcetype, identifing source and VPN tunnels dest.
These events are sent by packets with the same "_time" value. Due to the network, the delay betwen those packets is random (could be few seconds or one hour).
Here is an instance :
2019-09-06 18:08:35 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:08:35 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:08:35 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:down
2019-09-06 18:08:35 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:08:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:08:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:08:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:down
2019-09-06 18:08:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:04:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:04:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
2019-09-06 18:04:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:down
2019-09-06 18:04:31 ServernameA dst-ip: tunnel-state:up
We want to show in a table only the last events (here, events sent at 18:08:35).
First, we tried with the relative time-picker for 15mins or 60 mins. But as the delaying time betwen events is random, it's not working, both events are presented.
In a second time, we tried with the "last" command, as the following example :
index="vpn-state" sourcetype="routers:json" hostname=ServernameA earliest =-900s
| stats last(_time) as last_time
| table _time,hostname,dst-ip,tunnel-state
| where _time ==last_time
But that doesn't work too, probably a syntax error or because "stats" results can't be evaluated.
Any clues for helping us ?
Many thanks !