Hi there,
we're trying to work around the fact that you cannot currently directly **| geom** in Maps +
So what we're doing instead is a multi step approach:
1. We geom our original feature IDs from a set of KMZs
2. We create a lookup, transforming the original "[[...][...]]" (multi-)polygon notation from the first step's result to the semicolon-separated notation that the definition of a feature requires in Maps+
3. We run our actual query and get the features from the lookup
Now the strange thing is: Step 1 always seems to return complete polygons, because they render just fine on a Choropleth map.
This happens sort of 'in the background' though, as the polygon definition is never fully displayed on the statistics tab.
Because of that, we don't have the neccessary data to approach Step 2, as we'll only get like one or two points written to our intended output field.
Any ideas would be appreciated!