I wish to have a chart where column headers are broken into three lines and row ones into two
base search|
|eval sepa= Department.".".Name.".".Code
|eval sepa2=slice.",".slice_Name
|chart values(Number) over sepa2 by sepa
The table currently looks like this:
**spacer x.hr.b3 | y.it.h8
1.name1 2 | 3
2.name2 5 | 1**
I'd like this:
**x | y
hr | it
b3 | h8**
**1 | 2 | 3
name1 |
2 | 5 | 1
name2 |**
The split will work to sort out the row headers (sepa2)
Is there a way to do similar to the column headers that won't create multiple columns?
e.g. makemv / expandmv creates the following.
**x |hr | b3 | y | it | h8**
\r\n does not appear to work
Many thanks for your time.