ServiceTitle KPITitle kpis_key
SmartCas ServiceHealthScore SHKPI-17c3399b-d559-4e91
CPU Utilization: % 793faace-3431-4d54-a54c-f07fbb520425
IOWait % 9e984025-b4ba-43c1-a165
Storage Operations: Latency 3d063082-9fe2-48f4
GC-Major Collection Time Spent Per Min : 33a4d376ed6e7d5aa0be31b1
The query I run is :
| inputlookup service_kpi_lookup| rename title as ServiceTitle kpis.title as KPITitle
| fields ServiceTitle, KPITitle, kpis_key
How can I run each of line of service name is same row of KPI title and kpi key (it doesn't matter if duplicate)
thank you,