I have a timechart dependent on a dropdown at the top of the dashboard that selects the customer to show the results for. One customer makes the timechart go invisible when they are selected but when I open it in search it shows fine so I know it is gathering results. This doesn't happen when other customers are selected, it's just this one so I can't figure out why it's happening.
I do have some formatting on it through XML but can't see why this is happening with this customer but not others.
Here is the XML for the panel:
eRMI score progress index=ermi IncludesUnitList=0 AggregateERMIScore=*
|rename a_customer_code as eRMI_code
|join type=left eRMI_code [|inputlookup master_lookup.csv]
| eval t=if(CSA_name="$toktrust$","Selected Trust","Other") | timechart mean(AggregateERMIScore) AS ERMIScore span=1w by t
|rename "Selected Trust" as "$toktrust$", "Other" as "UK/Ireland average" $field1.earliest$ $field1.latest$
Timechart not displaying for some selections despite having results. It's invisible for some reason