Hi, I am trying to find the abandonment rate for users who started the registration process but didnt complete it within say the 4 hours. I have the following query (part of an overall dashboard with an inline time range filter). Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. getStarted is the start step and ProcessApplication is the finish step
index=ABC sourcetype=ABC_ASAPI_elilogs Application.Channel=OA "Extended_Fields.SubChannel"= MobileApp Extended_Fields.StepInfo=getStarted NOT Extended_Fields.RegistrationType=NotSpecified | strcat Extended_Fields.AcctType "_" Extended_Fields.RegistrationType AcctReg
| stats dc(Extended_Fields.AppId) by AcctReg
| rename dc(Extended_Fields.AppId) as Start
| appendcols
[ search index=ABC sourcetype=ABC_ASAPI_elilogs Application.Channel=OA "Service.Operation"=ProcessApplication "Extended_Fields.SubChannel"= MobileApp | strcat Extended_Fields.AcctType "_" Extended_Fields.RegistrationType AcctReg
| stats dc(Extended_Fields.AppId) by AcctReg
| rename dc(Extended_Fields.AppId) as Finish]
| eval Abandon%=(Start-Finish)/Start*100
| fields AcctReg Abandon% Start Finish | sort - Finish