I have the search below
[| inputlookup host.csv
| table host
| rename host as USERNAME ]
| lookup aps.csv NAME as AP_NAME OUTPUT Building
| stats last(Building) as BuildingAP, last(BUILDING_DESCRIPTION) as BuildingIT
What I need is to do a pie chart in order to have the percentage of the events where BuildingAP doesnt match with BuildingIT
So first, I have to write this where condition
After I need to count the number of events corresponding to this where condition and to count also the total number of events (events without the where condition) in order to have 2 news fields which allows doing a pie chart
but pearhaps there is another solution?
For summarize I need a pie chart with 2 label in %, one which calculate the % of events where BuildingAP is not equal to BuildingIT and another which is the equal tio the total % of events - the % the previous count
could you help me to do this please??