Kindly assist in installing the **Splunk 7.3.1** Enterprise version in my Windows 10,64 bit PC.
First time installing Splunk in my new laptop.
I'm installing though the only user (**Administrator user**)
Kindly refer image for error.
It throws error saying " Error writing to file : -----------\splunk.pdf.js. Verify that you have access to that directory.
When checked the path,there is no Splunk.pdf.js file
Even if tried to copy the particular file from another PC,it not allowing to copy it saying " Permission error".
Since I'm using the admin using for my PC, I'm confused why this error is coming up.
I have tried to give path instead of "c:\Programfiles\Splunk " to root node also like "D:/Splunk" with a full empty D drive too.
[1]: /storage/temp/275742-splunkerror.png