Hi All,
I have a search like this:
| mstats span=1d sum(_value) as "ClosedTime" WHERE index=metrics_prod metric_name=com.foo.timeClosed | eval ClosedTimeinMin = ((ClosedTime/1000)/60) | table _time ClosedTimeinMin
It basically shows how long a device in a shop was closed (out of order) a day:
The problem is that it contains those time periods as well when the shop was closed. When the shop is closed and the device is off it is not a problem so this time period should not be in the report. I can call a REST API which returns the opening hours of the shop. This Python script (which calls the REST API) is written according to the rules described here (external lookup): https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.3.1/Knowledge/Configureexternallookups
It was written by me so it can return the opening hours in any format. How could I use this script in the search in order to exclude the hours when the shop was closed? Can I use the "lookup" command together with "mstats" command? And if yes how should I phrase the query in order to achieve the desired result?