Below I have sample data from a process that Blue Prism outputs during each event in a process. I am trying to create a time chart that tracks how long it takes each process to run. What I need is some sort of chart that has different colored lines for each process. However, I cannot quite get that to work.
currprocessid: a2672568-5faf-4ebe-a3d8-d16542fb7a96
currprocessname: Auto Payoff
currprocesstype: 0
eventId: endProcess
mainprocessid: a2672568-5faf-4ebe-a3d8-d16542fb7a96
mainprocessname: Auto Payoff
pageid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
pagename: Main Page
resourceName: computer1
sessionNumber: 110995
sessionid: 8dce2381-0db4-4e69-a15e-0b84091ee489
stageid: 47648a05-b3e4-452d-a374-c6f156abc86c
stagename: End2
when: 2019-10-01T11:56:56.1005506Z
This is the query I have:
index="rpa" | stats earliest(_time) AS earliest latest(_time) AS latest BY sessionid | eval duration = tostring((latest-earliest), "duration")
This is obviously not correct as it's not populating the data properly.
The Y axis would have the time in minutes, while the X axis would be by date. The lines in the graph would be by the average sessionid completion time by mainprocessname.
I hope this makes sense.