I am using an external command I wrote, the command saves and retrieves data into\from a KV Store named after a value which is passed to it. Everything went fine for some time but at some point I started receiving the following error: "HTTP Error 409 Conflict", the error is happening for all searches using the command.
At the moment my conclusion is that there is a limit on the number of KV Stores I can open on one Splunk server and when passing it either all communication or only rest API communication (I'm not sure which) KV Store ceases to work.
What I did to check this was browse to Splunk through its management port to a page, where I'm able to look on a list of my KV Stores. (https:// + servername + localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/Sirenity/storage/collections/config)
Here I can see two things distinctly:
1. Splunk will not show me the names of more than 30 KV Stores, even though I created more (important to state that I can create more than the limit, just can't use them).
2. After deleting enough KV Stores to go under 31, all becomes well once more and I can resume using any KV Store that still exists.
Does anybody know of this issue and if so is there anything to do to change this limit? (Configuration file or otherwise)
Thank you in advance.