I've a search query like this:
(api=*/getUser) OR (api=/api/v1/addUser component=Comp1) OR (api=/api/v1/addUser component=Comp2) | table api, component
But I wanted to add two more columns some thing like the below:
latency flowname api component
Latency from comp1 Get User /comp1/api/v1/getUser Comp1
Latency from comp2 Get User /comp2/api/v1/getUser Comp2
Latency from comp1 Add User /api/v1/addUser Comp1
Latency from comp2 Add User /api/v1/addUser Comp2
I thought to use `eval`, but writing eval with many checks and balances in case of many api component combination doesn't sound great. Is there any solution to handle?