> **How can i run a search command passing an argument to python script via sys.argv?**
**My script:**
import requests
import sys
import json
from splunklib.searchcommands import \
dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators
class GenerateHelloCommand(GeneratingCommand):
id = Option(require=True, validate=validators.Integer())
def generate(self):
site = "https://link/api/link.json?id=" + str(self.id) + "&username=x2&passhash=x"
response = requests.get(site, timeout=10)
filtro = json.loads(response.text)
filt = filtro["sensordata"]["statustext"]
yield {'ID' : str(self.id), 'STATUS' : filt}
dispatch(GenerateHelloCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)
Currently i run my command like this:
| comando id=11249
and it work, but I would like to run my command like this:
| comando 11249
Such that i get 11249 into the python script like a variable. Example:
ID = arg.sysv[1]
**My commands.conf:**
Can someone help me?