Sorry for not spelling the problem out in the title, I'm a bit stuck even for the correct language to describe my puzzle. It's best I explain...
I have one index full of log data like the following:
MessageID User
1 Bill
2 Carol
3 Jane
4 Phil
5 Bill
and also
MessageID Attribute A Attribute B Attribute C
1 Y Y N
2 Y N N
5 Y N N
The Message ID ties together the user and the attributes that I'm interested in as I'd like a table that for each user, counts the number of times they've got a message that has an attribute we are interested in. For example for the above data the table would be:
User Attribute A Attribute B Attribute C
Bill 2 1 0
Carol 0 1 0
Jane 0 0 0
Phil 0 0 0
Or to explain another way...Bill had two messages sent to him, and both had attribute A and one had tribute B. Of Carol's messages, only one had Attribute B.
This is as far as I've got, but it only returns the result for one user, and I'm not sure if JOIN is the right approach for this task!
index=thelog recipient bill | join MessageID [search index=thelog "Attribute A" ] | stats count as Recipient by recipient
Your genius is much appreciated!