I'm having a time conversion issue with any earliest or latest time that is not in epoch.
Here is my XML code to convert time from epoch to the date/time format I need.strftime($form.Selected_Time_Range.earliest$,"%c") strftime($form.Selected_Time_Range.latest$,"%c")
I'm figuring to use a case statement in an eval (unless there is a better way) to check if the earliest or latest is not in epoch time. However, I am having difficulty figuring out the code for a case within an eval within XML.
In pseudo code.
If earliest = 0 OR earliest contains letters, than if 0 "Tue Dec 31, 1969 -- 7:00 PM", than if 0d@d, etc..... ?????
else run my conversion code
If latest = now() OR latest contains letters, than if now() ?????, than if 0d@d, etc..... ?????
else run my conversion code
My only other options are to train the users to NOT enter anything other than an actual date/time range. Or, force that by limiting the options in the time picker. Neither of these is appealing.
I will continue to check the Answers for an.....answer.
Thanks and God bless,