I want to create a single value panel that starts at 100, and when a specific alert goes off with an assigned weight, that weight is removed from the single value panel. So alert with a weight of 25 fires, the single value panel is now at 75 which is yellow.
Greater than 80 is green
50-80 is yellow
below 50 is red
![alt text][1]
I have this search:
index="nitro_prod_summary" earliest=-1h@m latest=@m [| `nitro_prod_cmdb` | search Category="ECOMM CUSTOMER FACING" OR Category="ECOMM OPERATIONS" Service="*" Application="*" weight="*"| stats count by Application | table Application] | join Application [ | `nitro_prod_cmdb` ] | search Alert_Type="*" Metric_Category="*" | eval FilterKey=Description.ID | dedup FilterKey | table Alert_Type Category Service Application Metric_Category Description Key ID| rename Metric_Category as "Type" Alert_Type as "Alert" count as Count | sort +Alert
Which creates a table like this:
![alt text][2]
I want to create this single panel for "webstore" so I want to filter from the search above only Application="WebStore Services" then add the weights from all of the instances and subtract it from 100, if this number is greater than 80 it is green, 50-80 is yellow and below 50 is red. It should also still say webstore and the color should be responding to that number.
I did not put weight into the table but it is being pulled from the alerts just not being placed anywhere.
Any ideas on making this single value panel?
Few extra points for this loaded question!
[1]: /storage/temp/159179-webstore.png
[2]: /storage/temp/159180-activealerts.png